Friday, December 27, 2024
Thursday, January 4, 2024
The "Daily Reminders" can keep you on track
I wrote these Daily Reminders, based on Alan Gordon's excellent book The Way Out (2021) and his Reprocessing Therapy for mindbody health issues. I applied his thinking to stuttering, and these Daily Reminders are handy as a summary of how I believe stuttering can be dealt with. For more information and interactive content, do join the "Stuttering as a mindbody disorder" Facebook group HERE.
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Highly recommended! "The Way Out", by Alan Gordon
The book is based on the latest neurological research and has been applauded both by ordinary readers and experts in the field, as you will see on Amazon. And it's not even expensive; and relatively short and an easy read!
I've read it and it is uncanny to what extent the book aligns not only with stuttering, but all other mindbody issues. In fact it confirmed once again to me that stuttering is NOT a standalone speech disorder, but part of a much larger family of tension/stress-related issues, including many digestive complaints such as irritable bowel syndrome, tension headaches and migraines, the list goes on and on.
Do yourself a favour and read this book carefully, preferably twice; and above all, begin to apply the author's suggestions in your own life! I think this is a major book not only for people who stutter, but speech therapists and others in the field. Whether they will listen is another matter.
The core point which Gordon makes is the relatively simple notion that mindbody ailments can arise when the primitive part of the brain perceives (note the word PERCEIVES) that it is unsafe. That's really it - it's not brain surgery! To that I would add that, in our case, our brain probably decided, when we were young and immature, that, for some reason, speaking - including expressing ourselves through speech - is unsafe.
So what can be done about it? Once again, the answer is simple, but not so easy to do: Teach the brain that it is in fact safe, that its original perception was incorrect. But how do we teach it? By feeding it messages of safety, and avoiding messages that it is not safe.
Examples of safety messages could be: not obsessing about the symptoms; not panicking about or overreacting to the symptoms, but lightly (even smilingly) accepting them mindfully as not dangerous. This signals to the brain that the symptoms are harmless and that there is no reason for the brain to be disturbed. (This doesn't mean accepting symptoms permanently as so many misguided people who stutter have been recommending for ages; no, the long-term goal is to gradually eliminate them, but accept them in the short term so that the primitive brain won't regard them as a threat); having a generally positive outlook - negative thinking alerts the brain that there is danger; making a point of relaxing and seeking out entertainment, and generally enjoying life (a tense body and stressed lifestyle signals danger to the brain); slow, relaxed breathing and gradually exhaling; and so on.
Gordon makes a fascinating point about avoidances in general. Now, in the stuttering area, avoiding difficult situations usually is said to be a big no-no as such avoidances tend to increase stuttering in the long term. But more recent research indicates that avoiding high-stress situations can benefit us if it preserves the brain's "safety status". The primary objective, according to Gordon, must always be to make the brain feel safe. E.g. if we do take on a highly stressful situation which would bring about severe stuttering, the brain is going to feel very unsafe, which would delay our recovery. Far better to do "baby steps", gradually moving from easy to more difficult situations, but always working from a position of strength. In other words, using gradual desensitisation to reduce stress, always working to further strengthening the brain's feeling of safety in speech and expression.
As you can see, this really implies a particular lifestyle, all aimed at bringing about a mindset which should ultimately teach the brain that it is safe when speaking, even if we should stutter, even when stressed. Yes, stress doesn't have to trigger symptoms IF the brain has been taught that it is safe even when stressed.
A summary such as this doesn't do justice to an important book, so do check out the first free sections of the book on Amazon and the readers' reviews to see what it's all about. You won't be sorry! Click on this link to go to Amazon.
Monday, November 13, 2023
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
My new book: "Stuttering as a Mindbody Disorder"
Dear All
My new e-book, Stuttering as a Mindbody Disorder: How and Why Expressiveness and Assertiveness Promote Fluency, is now available on Amazon! It can be ordered as a paperback or as a digital download for mobile phones, tablets, Kindle and PCs.
The book is based on the work of Dr John Sarno MD, the mindbody pioneer, and those who followed in his footsteps: Drs Howard Schubiner, David Schechter, Dave Clark, Ian Harris and many others. The research of these physicians indicates the existence of TMS - The Mindbody Syndrome.
TMS results from some kind of stress or anxiety, which is then expressed physically. Tension headaches, many digestive and skin issues, most back and neck pain and many other health problems can be the result of TMS. In my book I argue that stuttering, too, is caused by TMS which affects the vocal cords.
A major factor in TMS is the unconscious repression of negative emotions such as anger, uncertainty, fear or sadness. This repression, together with other stressors, produces tension which then impacts the speech muscles.
If psychological repression is mainly behind stuttering, it follows that its opposites, namely expressiveness, assertiveness and not "holding back", are major tools for people who stutter. The book covers these and many other related topics, such as the nature of repression, the role of trauma in stuttering, the personality trait of High Sensitivity, fluency techniques, and stuttering children.
To buy the book, click here:
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Time For Change
Dear All
It's time for a change. As you will have seen, I haven't been posting for some months here - mainly because I have switched over to the Facebook group "Stuttering as a mindbody disorder". Though the Blogger medium is great for so many purposes and has served me so well in the past, it is not as flexible and interactive as a Facebook group.
You may also have noted that I have adjusted my view of stuttering. The Passive Airflow Technique is probably the best fluency technique available. It has changed my life positively and I will always be grateful to Dr Martin Schwartz who developed the technique. It continues to play a major part in my life and my view of stuttering; but I have supplemented this with the insights of Dr John Sarno, MD, the "mindbody" pioneer, whose work is, in my opinion, crucial for people who stutter.
To make a long story short - I still believe that "stuttering" (the speech repetitions and prolongations) results from a tension-related "freezing" / "locking" of the vocal-cord muscles. But where does this tension come from? From the day-to-day tensions and stress of life? That's what I believed in the past, and stress remains a source of tension; but a much bigger source of tension, I now believe, is the subconscious mind. People who stutter suffer from TMS - The Mindbody Syndrome. It is this syndrome which generates most of the tension affecting the speaking system.
For more information on TMS and how it impacts fluency, and how to deal with it, feel free to join the "Stuttering as a mindbody disorder" Facebook group which has replaced this blog. I hope to see you there!
Thursday, August 31, 2017
My mindbody treatment principles for stuttering
Below please find my mindbody treatment principles for stuttering that seem to help people in the "Stuttering as a mindbody disorder" Facebook group:
A healing programme to deal with TMS stuttering - Version 1.5 August 2017 - (For the latest version of this document, visit the Facebook group "Stuttering as a mindbody disorder" ) © Peter Louw
For general
TMS pain, various healing programmes have already been developed – some are
contained in books, such as Zero Pain Now, by Adam Heller, or Unlearn Your Pain, by Dr Howard Schubiner MD, and some
are found for free on the internet, such as the TMS Wiki Recovery Program. These programmes are, of course,
aimed at TMS pain rather than stuttering, so naturally if you wish to follow
these programmes you should, in your mind, replace the word "pain"
with "stutter" wherever you find it. Even so it seems logical to also
develop a dedicated TMS programme for people who stutter (PWS), so here goes –
and I will try to make this as short as possible.
healing for stuttering is aimed at changing our mindset about stuttering. We
have to start thinking differently
about stuttering, on a conscious as
well as subconscious level. This we
do by receiving new information about stuttering. Ultimately the information
received consciously should sink in to reach the subconscious, where true
healing occurs.
But … a
mindbody (aka psycho-physical) disorder has a mental as well as physical side.
The mind may cause the symptoms, but the symptoms are real and physical. Feedback I've received indicates that the
mindbody approach to stuttering works best when combined with a good fluency
technique – such as the Passive Airflow Technique (PAT) – to deal with the
physical side of stuttering. So if you're not making progress with mindbody
tools only, try combining them with the PAT or other fluency technique. In
section "E" below you will find more details on PAT.
Preparatory phase ("knowledge therapy")
Get basic
information about TMS (tension myositis syndrome) and understand why and how it
causes stuttering. For a quick summary, read the basic info document in the
Files menu of this Facebook group. Note that you need to have an open mind
about stuttering, because at first sight the theory may seem far-fetched!
The TMS explanation needs to sink in deeply so
that it reaches the subconscious. YOU need to be convinced that the TMS explanation makes sense and that
many people have been helped by it. Without this belief, the subconscious will
continue to send symptoms. Much of the
healing happens on a subconscious level; and how will the subconscious be
convinced if you CONSCIOUSLY are not convinced?
Videos: Check out a few of the many Youtube videos by
or featuring Dr John Sarno MD, Dr Howard Schubiner MD, Dr David Schechter MD or
any other TMS practitioner.
Books: Try to read at least TWO books on TMS, so
that these ideas can begin to sink in. Check out THIS LIST OF TMS BOOKS.
Note that TMS
is an open-ended concept – many disorders not specifically mentioned in these
books may also be generated psychologically, just like TMS pain. So read these
books as if they are all about stuttering, not just pain.
Many people
say that Dr John Sarno's bestseller, Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body
Connection, is their favourite; but it is not strong on
practical exercises. A nice one which is an easy read, yet contains useful
exercises but is not on the above list: Zero Pain Now, by Adam Heller.
But don't get
stuck in this reading phase forever – at some stage you will have to start
applying your newly acquired knowledge to your actual symptoms. If the books have convinced you that
TMS is indeed causing your stutter, it may be time to start doing the work. And
that means beginning to apply mindbody principles in real life to stuttering.
Here are a few:
B. Principles
to focus on
"Do not focus on the physical – focus on the
Stuttering is only a SYMPTOM; the CAUSE is mostly repressed negative emotions such as anger / rage, fear, sadness or
else daily stress/tension (in any of its many forms). The more you focus on the
actual stutter, the longer it will take to overcome it. The reason for this is
that stuttering is a psychological defense mechanism, and its purpose is to
distract your conscious mind away from repressed negative emotion(s) and / or
thoughts that threaten to rise to the conscious surface. If you obsess over
stuttering, the subconscious receives the message that its defence is
successful, so that there is no reason to remove it. But when you ignore the
stutter, the subconscious gets the message that the stutter is ineffective.
This seems to "discourage" the subconscious defense system from
sending symptoms. Believe me, this strategy works! I know, it sounds weird …
but then the human mind is a strange and mysterious thing.
So do avoid
over-thinking or talking about stuttering itself, or its mechanics; rather
analyse the feelings behind the stutter. It is such a pity that so many
stuttering groups / organisations obsessively focus on the symptoms, thereby
actually aggravating the problem.
"Continuously identify, acknowledge and
accept the subconscious, repressed negative emotion(s) that cause
is not always easy to pinpoint these emotions, but very often they are
bottled-up and unaware RAGE / ANGER. FEAR, sadness, loneliness, shame /
embarrassment, guilt and regret are some other feelings often behind the
stutter. Some feelings, such as irritation and frustration, simpy
"hide" behind the "real" feeling which is anger / rage. Often
these emotions have been carried over subconsciously from childhood. In the "Files"
menu of this Facebook group you will find a list of emotions that usually play
a role in TMS.
however, the stutter is caused or made worse simply by day-to-day stresses due
to work, kids, relationships, family, health, bad news etc. Keep
in mind the bottom line, which is the fact that mind and body are interrelated,
and that the one affects the other.
"Perfectionism enrages the inner
can be seen from two angles: (1) As a defensive mechanism, with the purpose of
distracting us from repressed, unacceptable emotions (2) As the
"voice" of the "inner child". What is the inner child, you
may ask. Well, the inner child can be seen as that part of the subconscious
which stores our experiences, attitudes and feelings of the time when we were
This inner
child is not unlike a real child, but it's more than a child. It's also our
animal nature, our primitive side (in Freudian psychology it's called the
"id"). It seeks pleasure; it is dependent and intellectually lazy; it
is extremely selfish, emotionally immature and quick to anger. And it HATES two things: perfectionism, and goodism
(the tendency to be extremely "good", unselfish and self-sacrificing.
Actually, goodism is a form of perfectionism). Very often, mindbody symptoms
are caused by the inner child who is enraged because of the perfectionist and
goodist demands made on it by our mature self. Perfectionism and goodism may feed
a huge pool of repressed rage, thereby creating psychological tension which maintains
mindbody symptoms such as stuttering. So do avoid perfectionism and goodism!
"Develop an attitude of disdain toward the
"I encourage patients to develop an
attitude of disdain toward the (stutter) to replace their strong feelings of
intimidation. This sends a message to the subconscious that the strategy of
keeping attention focused on the body is about to fail - which means the
cessation of (stuttering)." --- Dr John Sarno MD, in his book Healing Back Pain - The
Mind-Body Connection. (Quotation slightly changed to make
it relevant to stuttering.)
Note, however, that
some of the TMS people disagree with Dr. Sarno on this point. They say that
symptoms (pain, stuttering etc.) are the "cries" or "weeping"
of the inner child, and that this child should not be treated with disdain, but
rather comforted and loved. So do experiment with both of these approaches to
see which works best for you.
Many people find it
helpful to WRITE about their stuttering; the problems it caused in the past as
well as the present; what makes your fluency worse or better etc. Try to focus on the social / psychological
reasons for the stutter, not the physical stuttering itself – because,
remember, stuttering is just a symptom. You can write in a diary, on a blog
etc. Consider actually writing a book; this could go a long way toward fluency
as the psychological benefits of discharging, expressing and sharing of emotions could be immense.
This is not
recommended for everybody, as journalling makes some people re-live traumatic
or otherwise upsetting experiences.
"Do not repress – express!"
Expressing yourself is the opposite
of repressing emotions. Use body language (gestures, facial expressions etc.)
and emotions to support your communication. Speak louder, vary your pitch.
Don't sound like a robot! Watch how movie or TV actors express themselves in
the roles they play, and learn from them.
Various well-known movie stars who
used to stutter have found that acting makes them fluent – because acting is
highly creative and expresses their deepest feelings. If you are by nature
introverted / inhibited, try to develop your extroverted side. And keep in mind
that shyness is NOT an inherited trait; shyness is learned and can be
unlearned. In the words of John Harrison, the well-known American self-help
expert on stuttering who conquered his stutter: "Do not hold back!"
be a great help in getting in touch with and expressing emotions. Learning to
play a musical instrument would obviously be highly useful; but even just
LISTENING to music may stimulate your emotional side.
"Talk often to your subconscious."
Tell your subconscious that you are
"on to it" and its deception, that you refuse to be controlled by it
and that you will no longer be intimidated by the stutter. This sends a
powerful message to the subconscious that the tide has turned and that you are
in control.
Also, "talk" to your inner child
daily. Children tend to feel vulnerable, dependent and weak. Such feelings are
often repressed and subconsciously carried into adulthood, resulting in
physical symptoms. Tell your inner child that you are no longer the weak,
vulnerable child you may have been decades ago and that therefore there is no
more reason for anxiety. As an adult you know so much more – you are streetwise
and much stronger. This message has to sink in deeply into the
"Be assertive."
"Keep your anger close to you,
like a dog on a leash." This could be useful if repressed rage / anger is
causing your problems. It really means having an assertive yet
non-confrontational speaking style. Assertiveness, being a civilised, mild and
socially acceptable form of aggression, will reduce the huge pool of repressed
rage within the subconscious which may be feeding the stutter. Assertiveness,
however, is not equivalent to confidence – because confidence so often implies
that you are always right. Assertiveness means not being apologetic; it means
being aware of your rights as a human being – having the right to speak and
voice your opinion appropriately without disrespecting the rights of others. It
is a win-win approach whereas aggression is win-lose. For more information on
assertiveness, check out this short article in my
for an excellent TED talk on how a few assertive body positions will actually
change your body chemistry to make you more relaxed and assertive, check out
the following:
"Visualise your success."
should be very useful in changing the subconscious. Visualisation is such a
powerful tool in modern self-help and it always surprises me how little this is
used by people who stutter. Have a look at this short chapter on visualisation
in my free online book:
"Do not go it alone."
This is a well-tested principle in
stuttering treatment and also holds true for the psychotherapeutic approach to
stuttering. If you are serious to get the upper hand in stuttering, don't try
to walk this road alone. Stuttering is in many ways a social disorder – most
stuttering people don't stutter when alone – so it makes sense to enlist others
in your efforts. Discussing stuttering with others who stutter is extremely
therapeutic as it discharges tons of negative emotions which have accumulated
over the years and that have maintained high speech-linked stress / anxiety
levels. There are so many ways to do so:
Join one of the Google Hangouts for people who stutter.
Join a support / self-help group in your area for people who stutter. If such a group does not exist in your area, consider creating one yourself.
Enlist as many people as possible in your efforts – family members, friends, colleagues. Discuss stuttering with them, explain it and let them know what you are doing and how they can assist.
Stuttering children
Parents should ensure that a home
atmosphere is created which encourages the stuttering child to express himself
/ herself freely, instead of bottling up emotions such as rage or fear. If it
is true that repressed negative emotions lead to stuttering, it makes sense to
try and "unrepress" those emotions. Keep in mind that Highly
Sensitive Children (HSCs) may be prone to stuttering because of their sensitive
nature, and that research has found that most stuttering children ARE in fact
Example: An older twin sister, who is her younger brother's best friend,
tends to always get the first word in, thereby frustrating the brother. But
being sensitive he doesn't want to upset their friendship and doesn't express
his irritation, instead repressing it. Eventually, however, his irritation
turns to anger / rage, which is also repressed. In due course this repressed
anger / rage accumulates and may cause mindbody symptoms such as stuttering.
C. Speaking technique
Develop the
correct mindset before starting a conversation. Before speaking, ask yourself the "golden question":
"Right now, what emotion am I feeling?" If it is fear, rage,
embarrassment etc., fully accept and
acknowledge that feeling, instead of fighting it. Fighting it means
repressing it, which is the wrong way to handle it. Yes, it's not easy, and
fear may make you tremble, sweat etc. But the emotion will go away, while you
will still be there. Try to "ride out" the emotion and, if necessary,
use a fluency technique like "passive airflow", "slow / prolonged speech", "slowed first syllable / slow start / easy onset" etc. to get you speaking.
procedure, namely getting in touch with
your emotions before and during speaking, should eventually become easier
as it becomes a habit. Identifying and acknowledging the feeling before and
during speaking sends an extremely powerful signal to the subconscious defense
mechanism that it no longer needs to send symptoms, because you have
acknowledged the repressed emotion.
When you
do stutter, shift your attention to a possible psychological cause,
like something you are worried about, a chronic family or financial problem, a
recurrent source of irritation etc., for that sends a message to the brain that
you're no longer deceived by the stutter, says Dr Sarno. When that message
reaches the depths of the mind, the subconscious, the stutter is weakened.
D. The Daily Reminders
Take ten
minutes off every day and read the following Daily Reminders slowly, taking
time to consider them so that they sink deeply into your subconscious. Even
better, MEMORIZE them:
E. If you're not making progress, or are having
relapses or new mindbody symptoms
a look at this diagram:
It may be that mindbody tools such as assertiveness, feeling the
emotions etc. are not sufficient to totally prevent the vocal-cord lockdown (the
"blocks") which lies at the core of all stuttering behaviour. Though
mindbody principles should reduce the amount of tension flowing from your
subconscious, some tension may still get through. If that is the case,
supplement these mindbody tools with symptomatic aids such as 1) Stress Management 2) Fluency techniques such as the Passive Airflow Technique (note that I made a number of
Youtube videos on this technique, and so has Dr Martin F Schwartz. I also wrote a book on this technique. Visit my Stuttersense website for more information.) In this way you will be
addressing the stutter at all levels.
A great deal of stuttering – the actual word / sound repetitions, struggle behaviours etc., but not the vocal-cord locking – has been conditioned (learned). In other words, it has become a habit. All kinds of things may trigger stuttering, such as a particular situation, person or type of person, particular sounds or words etc. But … this can be unlearned. Check out the book Unlearn Your Pain, by Dr Howard Schubiner MD, for more information (it's about chronic pain, but is also applicable to stuttering).·
Re-read one of the TMS books. It may be that subconsciously you
do not entirely believe the TMS explanation. The subconscious will only stop
sending symptoms if it is convinced that its deception has been discovered. So
allow these books, and the ideas in them, to sink in deeply into your
For many people this is a "two steps forward, one step backward" process. Again, note that adults who have stuttered for decades can't expect a quick miracle cure. The muscles of the vocal cords are fine structures that are easily overwhelmed by the tensions engendered by the central nervous system. And … subconscious change takes time. Also, relapses may occur as the mind tries to return to the old state of affairs. There probably will be setbacks, and the devious subconscious may try to convince you that your case is hopeless … don't be deceived! The subconscious mind is full of tricks. Just continue with your focus on exposing those repressed emotions. Don't let these relapses discourage you – actually they are a sign of progress! They demonstrate that the subconscious mind has taken note of your fluency improvement, and is trying desperately to regain the territory it has lost.
The subconscious defense mechanism, in its efforts to maintain its power, may create NEW mindbody symptoms to replace the stutter. Dr Sarno calls them "symptoms imperative". Examples are skin rashes (that's what I'm getting lol), unexplained muscle pains, stomach upsets etc. Their purpose is to again distract your attention away from your current focus on your repressed emotions, toward your body – in the same way that stuttering distracts you away from the mind. "Symptoms imperative", too, are actually signs that you are making progress! You've got the TMS on the run, and it is desperately trying to find a new seat from which it can cause mischief. Continue to "think psychologically" about your stuttering – but if your replacement symptoms are severe, rather take a step back and halt your fluency efforts until your subconscious mind has adjusted to the progress made.
Do LOTS of relaxation exercises and stress management. The TMS self-therapy, which you are busy with, is aimed at changing the subconscious, and subconscious change can be really stressful. Read this chapter of my book on how to deal with change.
If you feel that it is all overwhelming and getting too much, or if you are getting panic attacks and feel anxious, simply stop it all and take a step backward – watch a movie, do something relaxing, forget about TMS and healing. The periods of anxiety should be temporary. When you feel more at ease, you can return to journalling or whatever you do to reduce TMS symptoms.
If you are making no progress at all even after months of working on this, you may want some external support from a TMS practitioner. About one out of five TMS patients may need this extra attention. Many of these TMS practitioners work via Skype or Google Hangouts, so not having one of them in your area is not an obstacle. Look out for them on the internet.
On Youtube and elsewhere on the web you will find lots of great videos and treatment programmes for TMS. Check out all the videos by or featuring Dr John Sarno MD and / or Dr Howard Schubiner MD and / or Dr David Schechter MD or any other TMS practitioner. They are usually about chronic pain, but simply treat them as if they address chronic stuttering. Eg. have a look at the excellent FREE videos on this site.
For many people this is a "two steps forward, one step backward" process. Again, note that adults who have stuttered for decades can't expect a quick miracle cure. The muscles of the vocal cords are fine structures that are easily overwhelmed by the tensions engendered by the central nervous system. And … subconscious change takes time. Also, relapses may occur as the mind tries to return to the old state of affairs. There probably will be setbacks, and the devious subconscious may try to convince you that your case is hopeless … don't be deceived! The subconscious mind is full of tricks. Just continue with your focus on exposing those repressed emotions. Don't let these relapses discourage you – actually they are a sign of progress! They demonstrate that the subconscious mind has taken note of your fluency improvement, and is trying desperately to regain the territory it has lost.
The subconscious defense mechanism, in its efforts to maintain its power, may create NEW mindbody symptoms to replace the stutter. Dr Sarno calls them "symptoms imperative". Examples are skin rashes (that's what I'm getting lol), unexplained muscle pains, stomach upsets etc. Their purpose is to again distract your attention away from your current focus on your repressed emotions, toward your body – in the same way that stuttering distracts you away from the mind. "Symptoms imperative", too, are actually signs that you are making progress! You've got the TMS on the run, and it is desperately trying to find a new seat from which it can cause mischief. Continue to "think psychologically" about your stuttering – but if your replacement symptoms are severe, rather take a step back and halt your fluency efforts until your subconscious mind has adjusted to the progress made.
Do LOTS of relaxation exercises and stress management. The TMS self-therapy, which you are busy with, is aimed at changing the subconscious, and subconscious change can be really stressful. Read this chapter of my book on how to deal with change.
If you feel that it is all overwhelming and getting too much, or if you are getting panic attacks and feel anxious, simply stop it all and take a step backward – watch a movie, do something relaxing, forget about TMS and healing. The periods of anxiety should be temporary. When you feel more at ease, you can return to journalling or whatever you do to reduce TMS symptoms.
If you are making no progress at all even after months of working on this, you may want some external support from a TMS practitioner. About one out of five TMS patients may need this extra attention. Many of these TMS practitioners work via Skype or Google Hangouts, so not having one of them in your area is not an obstacle. Look out for them on the internet.
On Youtube and elsewhere on the web you will find lots of great videos and treatment programmes for TMS. Check out all the videos by or featuring Dr John Sarno MD and / or Dr Howard Schubiner MD and / or Dr David Schechter MD or any other TMS practitioner. They are usually about chronic pain, but simply treat them as if they address chronic stuttering. Eg. have a look at the excellent FREE videos on this site.
Friday, July 14, 2017
The Daily Reminders in mindbody therapy for stuttering
I based these Daily Reminders on Dr John Sarno's reminders for chronic TMS pain (TMS = tension myositis syndrome, which is a mindbody disorder). In order to make them applicable to stuttering I slightly adjusted the reminders.
I find these reminders extremely powerful - in fact I memorized and repeated them intensively for days and found my fluency dramatically improved as a result. But there was a price to pay ... shortly afterwards I experienced a severe outbreak of a skin problem called hives - the medical term, according to my doctor, is idiopathic ("cause unknown") urticaria. A coincidence? I don't think so, because some weeks ago I got a similar skin outbreak after successfully making a previous big effort to apply mindbody healing principles to stuttering.
I am convinced that this is what Dr Sarno called a "symptom imperative" - a replacement symptom. When the subconscious mind notes that its control over a mindbody symptom is weakened, it tries to regain its power - via the autonomous nervous system - by creating something in its place. The purpose of such a replacement symptom is exactly the same as for the original symptom, namely to act as a psychological defense mechanism - to distract our attention toward the body and away from negative emotions which are unacceptable to the subconscious self-image.
In the same way the subconscious may, if we are having success with any particular therapy, also attempt to sabotage that success by creating a relapse. This the subconscious does by increasing tension, thereby increasing stuttering and discouraging the individual from making further attempts to improve his speech. I am convinced that these reactions from the subconscious are a major reason why stuttering therapy often fails, after having made some progress.The good news, however, is that, from a mindbody viewpoint, such "relapses" and replacement symptoms are actually a good sign! It shows that the subconscious has taken note of the improvement and is desperately trying to hang on to its dominant position. People with TMS pain who apply TMS healing principles often find that their pain moves to a different part of their body; e.g. a pain in the right leg will disappear, only to reappear in the left leg. This shows that the TMS is literally on the run. It has lost its centre of power and is desperately trying to find a new basis from which to cause mischief.
More than ever I am convinced that stuttering is a mindbody disorder - what Dr Sarno called a "TMS equivalent". Strictly speaking, stuttering is not TMS, because no pain is involved and the symptoms differ from those of TMS; but both these disorders arise from the same source: tension. Much of this tension stems from repressed (subconscious) negative emotions, but day-to-day stresses arising from work pressures, family etc. also play a role.
But ... we have to balance our progress with maintaining our psychological equilibrium. In other words, be gentle with yourself when you do mindbody therapy! If you get relapses or sudden, strange new symptoms - replacement symptoms - such as skin issues, headaches, unexplained pains and aches etc, rather stop your therapy for a while, but without losing hope or becoming discouraged. Relax for a few days, do something else, take your mind off this therapy for some time. The mind needs time to adjust to improved fluency, and it may cause a backlash if you move too quickly, as I did when I intensively memorised and obsessively repeated the Daily Reminders! Real progress seems to be a two-steps-forward-one-step-backward movement. But always keep in mind that such backlashes are always a sign that you are actually making progress, and that the symptoms are on the run.
And on this journey, do not forget other tools such as stress management and fluency techniques such as Slowed First Syllable / Easy Onset and Passive Airflow! Mindbody therapy should reduce the tension reaching the vocal cords, but some tension may still trickle through and cause some vocal-cord blocking - manage those blocks by lowering the tension on your cords by means of the physical techniques. All the best!
For more information on mindbody therapy for stuttering, join the Facebook group "Stuttering as a mindbody disorder".
Thursday, June 1, 2017
My current view of stuttering - and its treatment
This diagram shows my current tentative thinking about stuttering ... the icon for the "mindbody" (psycho-physical) component is larger because it seems to play a more prominent part than the other "day-to-day" non-mindbody stresses that also impact on fluency.
Stuttering can be tackled at any of these three levels: at the top, the mindbody issues such as repressed emotions (fear, rage etc.); in the middle, the tensions generated by either the mindbody or by other, non-mindbody stresses; and at the bottom, the tension-related vocal-cord "freezing" or "locking" that results in conditioned repetitions, prolongations, secondary behaviours such as stamping a foot etc.
Of course, if mindbody issues are regarded as the actual cause of stuttering, and treated by way of mindbody healing, it would theoretically not be necessary to reduce tension (at the middle level) or work on preventing the vocal-cord blocks (at the bottom level). In real life, however, stress management and some way of dealing with the vocal-cord blocks would support mindbody healing. For instance, relapses at the upper level of the mindbody would be counteracted by stress management at the middle level. And fluency techniques such as Passive Airflow, Slow / Easy Onset, breathing techniques etc. would still have a purpose to reduce vocal-cord tension at the bottom level.
Feel free to join my "Stuttering as a mindbody disorder" Facebook group !
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Stuttering and the highly sensitive child (HSC)
Is hypersensitivity a factor in the onset of stuttering? More than 80% of people who stutter are HSPs (Highly Sensitive Persons), yet this fact is seldom discussed in stuttering groups - probably because it's not politically correct to talk about psychological issues in stuttering. So, a few words on HSPs, particularly highly sensitive children (HSC), as this personality trait is probably a major factor in a child beginning to stutter due to subconscious repressed emotions.
I would guess that a hypersensitive, introverted child is more likely to repress his unacceptable emotions, thereby risking the onset of psycho-physical ("mindbody") issues such as stuttering. Also, research by Jerome Kagan, a psychologist at Harvard University, on what he called "inhibited" children found that they were more stressed and that their vocal cords were more tense compared to other children. This last point is crucial, as it gives substance to the hypothesis that stuttering, i.e. word / sound repetitions, results from vocal-cord muscles that "freeze" / "lock" due to tension.
I would guess that a hypersensitive, introverted child is more likely to repress his unacceptable emotions, thereby risking the onset of psycho-physical ("mindbody") issues such as stuttering. Also, research by Jerome Kagan, a psychologist at Harvard University, on what he called "inhibited" children found that they were more stressed and that their vocal cords were more tense compared to other children. This last point is crucial, as it gives substance to the hypothesis that stuttering, i.e. word / sound repetitions, results from vocal-cord muscles that "freeze" / "lock" due to tension.
About 1/5 of the human population is hypersensitive, meaning that their sensory system (touch, sounds, etc.) is more finely attuned than others. On the upside, they tend to experience life more intensely and deeply - and many great artists, thinkers and other achievers are or were HSPs. On the downside it is easier for them to be overwhelmed by sensory stimuli, stress and life in general. Their fight / flight / freeze response is stronger, and anxiety, particularly social anxiety, is common. They are usually, but not always, introverts and shy - though they can overcome shyness - and they take longer to make decisions.
"Orchid children"
HSCs have been described as "orchid children". Like orchids, they can develop into extraordinary individuals if their sensitivity is taken into account. Hypersensitivity is an inherent trait and society should not try to change them, as they are not "abnormal". They tend to prefer quiet, slow, solitary and structured environments and value privacy, using "me-time" to reload their batteries, and they avoid noise and crowds, often wanting to stay at home rather than going out. Too many extramural activities should be avoided, and they prefer smaller parties rather than large gatherings. They like to be prepared for any change in routines, and prefer predictable outcomes rather than unpleasant surprises.
Stressful sports do not work for these children - they perform best in more solitary sports such as bicycle riding, long-distance running, rock climbing etc. Oral exams, asking questions in class etc. can be a nightmare for them.
The above facts are based on the advice of a leading occupational therapist here in South Africa, and I hope that it will assist caregivers in helping their highly sensitive children reach their full potential and perhaps reducing or even eliminating stuttering. Being an HSP myself I can attest to the value of these tips!
For more information on HSC, check out the following bestseller by the famous psychologist Dr Elaine Aron: The Highly Sensitive Child: Helping Our Children Thrive When The World Overwhelms Them (2002).
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Stuttering as a mindbody disorder
Stuttering as a mindbody disorder – basic information
By Peter Louw
(This is the basic info document from my "Stuttering as a mindbody disorder" Facebook group, which can be joined HERE. )
(This is the basic info document from my "Stuttering as a mindbody disorder" Facebook group, which can be joined HERE. )
What is a mindbody disorder?
Modern views of mindbody disorders are based on the pioneering work of Dr John Sarno, MD (1923-). According to him, many ailments that are usually regarded as physical have their origin in the subconscious mind. This is actually a very old idea with a long tradition; but with the phenomenal rise and great successes of scientific medicine in the 20th century the concept of psychosomatic disorders, which in the 1940s was still an accepted part of medical studies, generally fell in disfavour within the medical establishment.
Today, Dr
Sarno is generally regarded as the "father" of TMS (tension myositis
syndrome, aka The Mindbody Syndrome). This is not (yet) an officially
recognised medical condition, though various prominent doctors do acknowledge
that it exists. In reality so many people have been healed by TMS treatment
that there cannot be any doubt that TMS exists. The proof of the pudding lies
in the eating. Need proof? Just read the hundreds of Amazon readers' reviews of
Dr Sarno's best known book, Healing Back
It would
seem that some people have a tendency to channel or direct their stress to a
particular part of the body, which then experiences pain or some other
disorder. The body part could be the neck (neck pain), lower or upper back
(back pain), stomach (ulcers, heartburn), colon (spastic colon), the head
(certain headaches / migraines), the nose (sinus issues), eyes (dry eyes),
hands (carpal tunnel syndrome), legs (e.g. night muscle cramps), skin (certain
skin disorders), "growing pains", eating disorders, chronic fatigue
syndrome etc. Even some psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression
may have their primary cause in the subconscious.
From a TMS
point of view, more and more health issues that used to be regarded as purely
physiological / neurological are being suspected of having an underlying
subconscious cause. Have a look at this list of suspect ailments in the TMS
Within the
TMS community, stuttering is also frequently regarded as a type of TMS. In
2011, Dr Howard Schubiner MD, a TMS practitioner, wrote a short article in
which he analysed the movie The King's
Speech from a TMS viewpoint (read his article further below).
Two factors
apparently shared by both stuttering and TMS make me think that stuttering
could indeed be related to TMS:
1) Some kind of stress or tension.
2) A spasm or cramp in the affected area, resulting in pain (e.g. back pain) or other disturbance. Dr Sarno believes that these spasms (often muscle spasms) are caused by slight hypoxia (reduction of oxygen) within the affected area and that the subconscious creates this hypoxia via the central nervous system. Is it far-fetched to think that this also happens to the muscles of the vocal cords of people who stutter? In this connection I refer to the work of Dr Martin F. Schwartz, who has devoted a great deal of his life to the hypothesis that stuttering is preceded by a tension-related "locking" or "freeze" of the vocal-cord muscles.
1) Some kind of stress or tension.
2) A spasm or cramp in the affected area, resulting in pain (e.g. back pain) or other disturbance. Dr Sarno believes that these spasms (often muscle spasms) are caused by slight hypoxia (reduction of oxygen) within the affected area and that the subconscious creates this hypoxia via the central nervous system. Is it far-fetched to think that this also happens to the muscles of the vocal cords of people who stutter? In this connection I refer to the work of Dr Martin F. Schwartz, who has devoted a great deal of his life to the hypothesis that stuttering is preceded by a tension-related "locking" or "freeze" of the vocal-cord muscles.
this hypoxia hypothesis is supported by recent research which found reduced
blood flow to the speech centres of the brain during moments of stuttering. Perhaps
the central nervous system reduces blood flow and creates mild hypoxia within
the speech centres, thereby messing them up and resulting in the
dyscoordination of the vocal-cord muscles, resulting in stuttering? Here is the
link to the blood flow research:
What is the cause of a mindbody disorder?
It is
believed that some people more than others are genetically predisposed toward
developing TMS.
Dr Sarno
believes that TMS is caused by a conflict, or mis-alignment, between the
conscious and the subconscious. Strongly influenced by Dr Sigmund Freud, the
father of psychoanalysis, Dr Sarno regards repressed
feelings as a crucial factor in TMS. Anger
/ rage in particular is the usual suspect, but sadness, loneliness, fear,
shame and guilt are also often identified as causing or increasing TMS. As I
understand Sarno, the primitive part of the central nervous system regards
these feelings as threatening, tries to make them go away and represses them,
and can even, in predisposed individuals, create physical symptoms in an effort
to distract the conscious mind away from the inner turmoil. For the primitive
inner child-animal (the "id" in Freudian terms), happiness and
survival are priorities, and these priorities are threatened by strong emotions
that could upset the status quo.
Other TMS experts
regard the external symptoms as the voice
of the subconscious, primitive inner child-animal part of the brain. We all
have an inner child / animal, whose primitive needs are often ignored in our
busy daily mature lives. If severely ignored, the inner child-animal may become
enraged – not unlike a real child or animal! – and lash out in the form of TMS.
Note that this inner rage can be quite substantial … like a slumbering volcano
or a sleeping but ferocious wolf. Don't underestimate it!
How is TMS treated?
not surprisingly, entails becoming aware of such repressed feelings,
continuously discharging them and bringing them out into consciousness. This
should reduce the large "pool" of rage and other emotional energy
accumulated within the subconscious through the years.
In many
cases, merely READING a TMS book has
cured some TMS sufferers. This is what is called "knowledge therapy" –
when the individual becomes aware of the subconscious emotional origins of
their symptoms, the symptoms often disappear as the subconscious realises that
its trickery has been "found out". So it stops trying to distract the
person via the symptoms.
In most
cases, however, the subconscious mind needs more convincing before it will stop
its mischief. Usually there are two phases: Firstly the CONSCIOUS mind needs to be totally convinced that the symptoms,
though absolutely real and not a figment of the imagination, are being produced
through the central nervous system with the purpose of distracting you from the
actual inner conflict (which the primitive subconscious regards as more
threatening to the individual's wellbeing than the TMS symptoms). Secondly –
and most importantly – the SUBCONSCIOUS mind, too, needs to be convinced.
All this
convincing can be done through reading TMS books, Facebook discussions (join
the TMS Facebook group! – address below), introspection / self-talk, and journalling (writing about your issues
in a diary / blog / Facebook etc.). Journalling
especially is a major tool in TMS treatment. The more you do this, the
deeper these concepts will sink into your subconscious, where true healing
occurs. If the subconscious at last realises that its distractions have been
discovered, it tends to stop its distractive efforts. For those who wish to do TMS
exercises – the TMS Wiki has a free online procedure (see below for the
address), while several books also provide similar procedures (see below). Severe
cases may also find outside support and counselling helpful, such as from a
trained mindbody doctor / practitioner (if you can find them in your area!).
Can all this help people who stutter?
stuttering is a type of TMS, as many TMS sufferers believe, there should be no
reason why TMS treatment cannot help people who stutter. Read the TMS literature (and do any exercises) as if it applies to
Dr Howard
Schubiner MD believes that stuttering is indeed a type of TMS. Read his short
article here:
Applied to
stuttering, I would think that the following ten TMS healing principles would
be useful:
1) Start reading! It's what Dr Sarno calls
"knowledge therapy". Read at least ONE of the books on TMS
mentioned below, as if it also applies
to stuttering. Even better: read it TWICE! Or else read two books. The more
the better! Allow these ideas to SINK IN
DEEPLY into the subconscious, where the healing process begins.
2) As far as possible, don't let any
stuttering worry you. In terms of TMS theory, the "purpose" of
the stuttering blocks is to keep your mind occupied with physical symptoms,
such as stuttering, distracting you from repressed emotions that threaten to
come to the surface. Don't over-worry about the blocks / stuttering, because that's exactly what TMS wants – it wants you to think about stuttering as
a physical, neurological issue; it DOESN'T want you to begin thinking about any
inner emotional issues. So try to identify any hidden emotions that might
actually be behind the stutter.
3) Beware
of perfectionism! Many people who stutter are also perfectionists, and so
are TMS sufferers. Perfectionism is highly enraging to the inner child-animal
(which can be compared to a lazy couch potato who loves pleasure and beer and
hates discipline – great excuse to let your hair down … J ). You must do everything in your
power to avoid perfectionism which just feeds subconscious rage. Goodism, the
tendency to be as ethical and moral as possible, is also a form of
4) Work on being (or becoming) assertive.
Assertiveness can be seen as a mild and socially acceptable form of aggression.
By being assertive you will discharge some of the inner rage which may be
feeding your stutter. For a short summary of assertiveness as a tool in improving
fluency, check out the following chapter of my free online book, Coping with
Stuttering: . And for an excellent TED talk on how a few
assertive body positions will actually change your body chemistry to make you
more relaxed and assertive, check out the following:
Begin working on those hidden emotions;
identify them and allow them to come out into the open. Get in touch with your
feelings. Journalling and similar
involvement (mentioned above) should greatly help you in this. If necessary,
try the TMS Recovery Program (see below) or other support mentioned below.
Don't regard the TMS – the stutter – as the enemy which should be fought at all
costs. Stuttering is your inner child's primitive voice. Listen to its message
and learn from it. Soothe and pamper the inner child. Once you have understood
the message, the voice should fade.
The TMS explanation is not for everybody, and many if not most people will
reject it. Partly this is because, for many people, it is easier to deal with
physical, socially acceptable symptoms than with the underlying psychological
Should we continue using fluency techniques, such as Slow Speech and Passive Airflow?
Dr Sarno would say that such techniques address the overt symptoms, but not the
psychological cause. Earlier in his practice he did make use of
physiotherapists to deal with the TMS-related pains of his patients; but later
he let the therapists go, instead focusing exclusively on the psychological
pain which causes symptoms.
Having said that, he does approve the limited use of painkillers when necessary in the case of e.g. severe back pain. I would say it's up to the stuttering individual whether to use fluency techniques or not if this makes life easier; but always keeping in mind that such techniques merely provide symptomatic relief and do not address the true cause. The same probably goes for other adjuncts such as stress management and stress-reducing supplements. These are helpful where the stress is from other sources not related to TMS; but where stress results from TMS it is the TMS which should in the first place be tackled.
Having said that, he does approve the limited use of painkillers when necessary in the case of e.g. severe back pain. I would say it's up to the stuttering individual whether to use fluency techniques or not if this makes life easier; but always keeping in mind that such techniques merely provide symptomatic relief and do not address the true cause. The same probably goes for other adjuncts such as stress management and stress-reducing supplements. These are helpful where the stress is from other sources not related to TMS; but where stress results from TMS it is the TMS which should in the first place be tackled.
9) The major role that CONDITIONING / LEARNING
plays should not be forgotten. It plays a huge role in general TMS, so one can
expect it to have the same impact in stuttering – where people have been
stuttering for decades, the behaviour is probably deeply entrenched. Even so,
it might just be that, when the original psychological cause is exposed through
TMS treatment, the central nervous system stops feeding the stutter. So I don't
think we can expect sudden miracles, because the conditioned responses of many
years are still in place. What we can expect is that the intensity of
stuttering may begin to drop and hopefully start withering away, because it is
no longer being fed.
VISUALISATION should be very useful in working on the subconscious.
Visualisation is such a powerful tool in modern self-help and it always surprises
me how little this is used. At the time when I had TMS-related lower-back pain,
I visualised the blood vessels in my back as huge pipes, carrying enormous
amounts of blood rushing in waves through the area – to counteract the mild
hypoxia (lack of oxygen) which, according to TMS theory, causes painful
cramping. In the same way one could visualise oxygen-rich blood rushing toward
the vocal-cord muscles, and / or to the speech centres of the brain, so as to
prevent a stutter. Have a look at this short chapter on visualisation in my
free online book:
far as I know, this is the first time that TMS principles are applied to
stuttering. But will it in fact be of use in real life? Maybe you would like to
try it, perhaps adjusting the theory to your own experiences? You would be a
true pioneer, charting unsailed waters and perhaps creating history.
Thanks for
reading this article! Below please find some relevant links:
A few sources of practical TMS support:
The TMS Facebook group. (A smart, active and
helpful group.) Join them here:
The free online TMS Wiki. (Very comprehensive.)
Check it out here:
The MindBody Workbook: a 30-day program, by Dr David
Schechter MD, 1999 (Very helpful, but spelling errors irritate; should have
been proofread):
Dr Howard Schubiner MD's workbook Unlearn Your
Pain, 2016:
Recommended reading ("knowledge therapy"):
The Great Pain Deception: Faulty Medical Advice
Is Making Us Worse, by Steven Ozanich, 2011 (Very dramatic, very comprehensive
but rather lengthy; intentionally repeats himself often so that the ideas can
sink in deep):
Any of Dr John Sarno's books, such as:
The Divided Mind: the Epidemic of MindBody
Disorders, 2007 (Articles by Dr Sarno and like-minded doctors, also covers
topics not covered in other TMS books.):
Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection,
2010 (Dr Sarno's bestseller; a great introduction to TMS):
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